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Visual Editor Poster Session

International Conference on Radiation Shielding

October 3, 2016

On October 3, 2016, Randy Schwarz presented a poster session at the International Conference on Radiation Shielding in Paris, France.  The poster session presented the new Visual Editor for MCNP6.  This software is currently in beta testing and is only available to students in Visual Editor workshops.  To see a schedule of workshops, visit the main page.  The images from this poster session are shown below. 

Slide 2 Slide 3
Partical Track Plotting in the Visual Editor for MCNP6 Particle Track Plotting Window
Slide 4  Slide 5 
KCODE Source Points  Shell Source 
Slide 6  Slide 7 
Volume Source  3 Sphere Sources
Slide 8  Slide 9 
Particle Tracks - Color and Size  Particle Tracks - Paths
Slide 10  Slide 11 
Source Biasing  Tally Contributions
Slide 12  Slide 13 
Tally Contributions  DXTRAN Spheres
Slide 14  Slide 15 
Weight Window Plot  Mesh Tally Plot
Slide 16  Slilde 17 
Different Answers  KCODE Fission Points
Slide 18  Slide 19 
KCODE Fission Points  The Visual Editor